Managing Stress in Tough Economic Times
The key to conquering stress during tough times is to gain a sense of control over the situation. Create a plan, keep things in perspective, and seek help when you are feeling overwhelmed.
Stress and the Economy: Advice From a Financial Planner
The first thing you should do is turn off the TV business news, says Ivan M. Illan, director of financial planning at Michel Financial Group in Los Angeles. “Markets by their very nature are extremely volatile, even in so-called 'good times,'" says Illan. “Business television exploits natural market cycles in higher viewership to justify higher advertising rates.”
Next, control your emotions. “We are driven primarily by emotion. The institutional investors know this and often make higher profits during times of fear, preying on the emotionally charged investing public,” says Illan. Profiting from fear and anxiety is taught in business school, he says — the more trades, the more commissions. So don’t fall into this trap.
“Stay committed to your investment plan,” Illan says. And continue to save as you did when times were good.
Two other pieces of advice: Do not invest anywhere, including in bonds, until you’ve saved six months' worth of cash to cover basic living expenses in case of emergency. And the risk of taking out a loan for retraining or acquiring another degree is worth it, he says. “Training for advancement or career change is a good idea, regardless of the economic [climate]," says Illan. "Areas that are highest in demand continue to be health care and financial services, driven primarily by the baby boomers’ needs as they approach retirement.” Stress and the Economy: Advice From a Psychologist “You may not be able to control the stock market, but there is still a lot you can do to gain a sense of control,” says Mary Coussons-Read, PhD, professor of psychology and health and behavioral science and associate dean at the University of Colorado in Denver. To put the lid on stress, sleep well, exercise a lot, and eat healthy meals. Coussons-Read also suggests that you do the following to keep your cool during tough economic times: Stress and the Economy: Coping With Job Loss Millions of people are not just watching their budgets shrink, they are also job hunting. Besides taking the steps listed above to reduce your stress during turbulent economic times, you may also want to: Stress during difficult times is normal. It is what motivates you to find a solution. But, too much stress is bad for your physical and emotional health. If you have tried many or all of these ideas and are still feeling excessively stressed, you may need to seek professional help.